Saturday, May 29, 2010


May 25th was a real big day to me 4 years ago. I got hitched to the coolest dude ever. He is tall and has killer blue eyes. Sometimes I still look at him and think...How does he do it? How does he put up with me, Love Me, and still want to be around me? I am astounded that not only does he think I am cool...but beautiful.

I Love his guts. Everything that makes up HIM. His quiet peaceful demeanor, his witty comments that catch you by surprise. The way that he believes the best of everyone. The way he looks when he is working hard. His relaxed toothy smile. The way he just loves kids. He is the absolute best man I know. I have never known such an unrelenting example of forgiveness. He puts the Lord into every equation, and welcomes our trials with humility and patience. Learning from him and with him is easy and natural. He is all I need and all I want.

I am so happy to have been married for four years. It seems everything about our wedding day is a little fuzzy and a little crazy. Except for the temple. Thinking back, its the only part that feels still, quiet, and real.

Four years, four feels the same, and eternity just can't get here fast enough.

1 comment:

The Gruwells said...

I love love love your pictures!!! I wish I was there. Have you gotten them blown up yet??