I have the answer.....to their question. What is love?
Love is tender....love is blind....Blah blah blah... BULL. SHI*.
There has never been a bigger load of crap ever. You want to know what love is? I will tell you. This is love.....
Love is enduring Halo 3. Love is enduring Tiny House. Love is not minding when you get snot on your face from someone elses nose after a kiss. Yes I said that and yes I mean it...even though rereading it now, it sounds so disgusting.
I love my husband so much and therefore according to Newtons third law...to every action there is an equal and opposite re-action, I also might want to slam his head against the wall, and then put on my biggest ring and punch him in his man business....and when he is writhing in pain on the floor screaming why? WHY? I will say....You KNOW why! Ha ha just kidding...I love that movie though! Props if you know what it is.
What I mean is I love slash hate my husband so much. He is wonderful and the most irritating person on the earth. Even more than the annoying crow outside my window that thinks 6 a.m. is a great time for an hour long monologue. But the reason why I wish he would fall down sometimes is because I love him so much. If i didn't love him then it would not bother me when he and I disagree. Thats the problem I always say when we are fighting...if I didnt love you this wouldn't be a problem..but I do. Newton must have figured out his three laws of motion by living with a woman....only way it makes sense.
We love eachother....right now if you walked in you would think we are so weird...I am in bed (my favorite place to be) on my lappy, and he is playing...well, guess....I dare you to get it wrong! At this precise moment I feel the need to smother him in kisses and loves Slash grab the XBOX and ram it over his head until he or it breaks. Its a complicated feeling. The good thing is this.....
Both of us knowing.....Love is a Battlefield!
Moral of the story is this...I love him and he loves me. We fit. I am happy to just feel his arms hold me tight and smell his musky skin. He is all I need. So whilest I plan my next crusty to shoot his way for playing the game I wish were never invented behind it, deep deep down in the very corner of my small cold heart it will be sent with love. Love is all you need.